Watch out for permission granted to third-party mobile applications.

Can you trust third-party apps? 

Third-party apps are responsible for more than 40% of mobile hacks. Hackers are targeting consumers through the channels where they spend the most time on their mobile phones.

Security experts from all over the world have warned everyone to be cautious about the level of access given to third-party apps on smartphones. Such apps can give your personal information to cyber crooks or cyber-criminals. Social media is not the only platform that steals your data.

We should not give apps permissions that aren’t necessary for the app to run. For example, if the third-party doesn’t need a camera or location to work, then you should not allow it. Other permissions that the third party includes are calling history, private messages, location, camera, microphones, and more.

How to manage third-party App Permissions?

Third Party App Permissions can be changed and customized through the following process.

Apple (IOS):

-   Settings

-   Privacy

-   App permissions

-  Choose which permissions you want an app to have



-  Settings

-  Privacy

-  App permissions

-  Choose which permissions you want an app to have

Social Account login is also one of the ways of sharing your data to third-party apps. It is a must to regularly review such apps that have access to your social network accounts. Such information can be managed in the settings of account of that social network.

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